Dear English Teacher/ Lecturer,
I am very pleased to be writing to you so soon after Phase 1 of the English Teachers’ Training Project. The teaching team members at Westminster Kingsway College (WKC) are all looking forward to welcoming you to the college and introducing you to the work we do as part of the Further Education and Skills Sector. Phase 2 of the training programme is intended to be more hands-on and provide plenty of opportunity to explore teaching and learning at the college and how it might relate to your own practice back in Malaysia.
The overall aims of the phase 2 training are as follows:
· To extend participants’ skills in creating, adapting and adopting materials for classroom use.
· To introduce a range of e-learning strategies to support learners’ independent learning skills.
· To develop participants’ training and coaching skills to support both English teachers and subject content lecturers in the Malaysian TVET sector.
Our aims are quite ambitious and we will need to make best use of our time. However, we wouldn't want you to miss out on the pleasures of being in London and so other activities are planned to ensure you have a great experience of the city too.
Simon Goodier
Westminster Kingsway College, London
United Kingdom
Map to Westminster Kingsway College, Victoria Centre